

Bahasa Indonesia as Lingua franca

Muhammad Zaki Al Aziz
December 21, 2010
Last Updated 2010-12-21T10:01:31Z
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"Berterimakasihlah Andasebagai bangsa Indonesia kepada Bung Karno, karena ia telah berjasa mewujudkancita-cita para pendahulunya untuk menjadikan bahasa Melayu, dan bukan bahasaJawa, sebagai bahasa nasional."

I take thequotation above from the other member of blogger in internet, from thatquotation I have an idea to write same opinion about lingua franca. thequotation above indirectly explained about the unifier language in Indonesia orwe can say it in term linguistic as lingua franca.

We must saythank to Our father's Soekarno, he was the best person, genius person andalmost perfect person for me, he brought Indonesia to be the independentcountry, to be the one in any culture, any racial and any language. We are asthe Indonesia people have to appreciate to Soekarno's struggle.There'ssomething that we must remember, a language also has an important role in theprocess. Without language there will be no communication among Indonesiaperson. It will be so hard to make conversation among persons that hasdifferent mother tongue. That's why sukarno realized to make one decision tounify the diversity of language in Indonesia. And sukarno did it. He hadmanaged the Malay language become a unifier language.

The history ofIndonesia language has a long story to retell, even we can make it as a book ifwe are an historian. But I have an argue that the big line in history ofIndonesia language was the identity of Indonesia and the history of Indonesiadevelopment. Actually Indonesia language has been became a unifier languagebefore the independent day. Indonesia language has been declared as the unifierlanguage in 1928. Indonesian declared a national language and using theIndonesian language as unifying nations at that time. With many racial andlanguage that exist in Indonesia, the Indonesia language has the big functionas the unifier among the different culture, language, racial in Indonesia. So Ican say that Indonesia language is the lingua franca of Indonesia nation.

Indonesia is multilingual country, with many racial in different culture. Now there are 100language in Indonesia, every language has own function, local language use whenthe speaker has same local language (mother tongue), Indonesia language usewhen the speaker has different mother tongue. I imagine what will happen ifthere's no lingua franca in Indonesia? Will the people use their mother tongueas their language nation?! Meanwhile there are more 50 languages in Indonesia.Therefore Sukarno had managed to make Indonesia language as the unifierlanguage. Without a unifier language we cannot learn the cultures that exist inIndonesia, and also we cannot communicate with the other people in Indonesia.It's mean that without Indonesia language as our lingua franca, we will get anyobstacle to know or to communicate with the other people in Indonesia.

As linguaFranca Indonesia language had passed a few a factors by considered thedifferent language, racial, culture are in Indonesia. The factors are:
• The place of origin of thislanguage is around the Riau islands in the Malacca Straits. Malay language hasbeen used as the traffic language of the trade in century ago. (Bahasa pasar orbahasa perdagangan)
• The structure or the alphabetis easier to remember.
• There is no high language orlow language in Malay language.
• Malay language was linguafranca among Malaysian, Brunei, and Singapore.

According tothe factors above, Indonesia language has own history. We will find aboutlanguage that insists in the history because the language cannot be separatedwith the history itself. Ralph Wade Emerson said that Language is the archivesof history. Malay language has a long story to become lingua franca inIndonesia through some periods in Indonesia.
The manifestation of the Indonesian language as a lingua francadeclared in (Youth Pledge, October28, 1928) by the Indonesia youth movement. Those three pledges are:
1. Onemotherland, Indonesia
2. One nation,Indonesia, and
3. Upholdingone union language, Indonesian Language

The youth pledgewas the sense of nationalism for Indonesia people, the Indonesia people hadsupported Indonesia language to become lingua franca, there will be no theunity without nationalism. Fishman said that "contrastive self-identification", it's mean that language has afunction as the unifier in a nation. TheIndependence Proclamation of Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 1945, had nailedthe position and function of Indonesian Language as national language. Nowdays, Indonesian Language is spoken by all levels of society in Indonesia.
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